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Pennsylvania Sales Tax Absorption

The Pennsylvania DOR has issued guidance, effective December 3, 2019, to inform persons responsible for charging, collecting and remitting sales tax of the requirements relating to sales tax absorption. Persons who sell tangible personal property or services subject to sales …

Should I File a VDA?

States are continually refining provisions on economic nexus standards, and companies must ensure they are following all revisions to comply with economic nexus standards.  However, the question still needs to be asked – “What about physical presence?”  While one side …

North Carolina Marketplace Facilitators

On Nov. 6, 2019, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper signed Senate Bill 557 requiring market facilitators to calculate, collect, and remit sales tax on their third-party sellers’ sales starting February 1, 2020.  A marketplace facilitator will have established nexus in …

Hawaii Legislation

Hawaii has released guidance on the expanded imposition of general excise tax (GET) on sales made through marketplace facilitators under Act 2, Session Laws of Hawaii 2019 (Act 2). As previously reported, Act 2 will become effective on January 1, …

Michigan Legislation

The Michigan House of Representatives has passed legislation that would extend sales and use tax collection obligations to marketplace facilitators.  The legislation would require marketplace facilitators to remit sales and use tax for all taxable sales made by the marketplace …

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore!

The Kansas Attorney General’s office has opined that the Department of Revenue’s policy in Notice 19-04, requiring all remote sellers to collect and remit sales tax by October 1, 2019, has no force or legal effect.  Current Kansas statutory law …